April 2013 Message
Dear Friends,
I must tell you how overwhelmed I was to see more than 200 guests at our Annual Gala Dinner on March 19 at the Hong Kong Country Club. With some of the worst weather in a very long time, many of you struggled through traffic to show your support of the Hong Kong Chefs Association. This is a true testament to our belief that by working together, we’ll make Hong Kong a better place to live, work, cook, learn and all around, be better at what we do every day. This attitude will also benefit the less fortunate in our community. At the conclusion of the AGM, we confirmed the new Committee for 2013/14 with some new additions to our already strong team (see 2013/14 Committee roster next to my message).
As former President Andreas Muller has rightly said, 2012 was definitely a year of powerful transition for our Association. We all have witnessed the positive transformations and new experiences over the previous two decades. It is the mission of this new committee to build on this platform and to raise the recognition of our Association in the local, regional and international community.
To achieve this, we shared our preliminary plan with the professional members during the AGM. The plan was formulated based on past developments and upcoming challenges. Our team identified key elements necessary for the Association to continue the success the HKCA has realized over the last two decades. Four fundamental strategies were identified to be the focus of the Association in the future. These strategies have been put into four main categories: alignment, growth, services and finance. Upon finalization with the new Committee, these strategies will be the blueprint for the Association to follow in planning and executing various activities. This plan will be discussed and refined with the Committee members in the coming weeks and upon adoption, it will be effectively communicated to all stakeholders for implementation. Each of the Committee members will be sharing their dreams and plans with you in the near future. Friends and supporters, I’d welcome feedback, your opinions and thoughts on any suggestions for improvement. This is your Association and everyone’s input is necessary to make our mission successful. I’d like to take this chance to thank all our sponsors, supporters and our dedicated Committee members. Together we’ll take the chefs profession to the next level and together we’ll make Hong Kong proud!
On behalf of the 2013 HKCA Committee, I wish all chefs and friends the very best. Stay healthy, enjoy cooking and share great times with your family and loved ones!
With culinary regards,
Mak Kam Kui
Hong Kong Chefs Assocation